• Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $15.99/year
  • .BARGAINS - $8.99/year
  • .CAFE - $6.49/year
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Shared Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

Cloud hosting is not just about features and resources. We also offer a robust platform furnished with the right tools that will allow you to exhibit your inventiveness and to kickstart a successful project online. That is precisely the kind of shared hosting that we are offering at Sejex.

We provide an uninterruptible cloud web hosting service with a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so you don’t need to worry about your site going offline. And We’ll give you a Hosting Control Panel full of charge–free tools and bonus features, which will permit you not only to swiftly set up new websites, but also to improve all your existing ones.

We are at your service 24–7, ready to attend to all your inquiries. Our support team offers a one–hour ticket response guarantee and its average response time is under twenty minutes.

Shared Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

You can register more domain names at reduced prices. We have contracts with the majority of the leading domain name registries, which allows us to offer you the most affordable domain registration prices online. Additionally, we offer over fifty generic and country–code Top–Level Domains for you to pick from. For instance, you can grab your new .academy domain for just $15.99/year.

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

A user–friendly Hosting Control Panel

Even if you’ve got the most brilliant idea for a web site, if you don’t have the proper tools, it will remain unaccomplished. The purpose of our Hosting Control Panel is to supply you with all the tools you need to promptly turn the idea in your head into a fully functional and routinely visited web site.

You’ll have the ability to safely upload files simply by dragging them to your browser thanks to our File Manager. You will have a security layer added to your site momentarily with ModSecurity. You will be able to increase the speed of your web site thanks to our Web Site Acceleration Tools.

Installing a new software application online will be as easy as 1–2–3 using our 1 Click Applications Installer tool. Kicking off a site will take just a few simple steps with the Web Site Installer Instrument. Furthermore, you can use 800+ free of charge design themes, which you can quickly install on your brand new site. This is just a part of the web site setup and management tools incorporated into the Hosting Control Panel..

A user–friendly Hosting Control Panel

A multitude of free bonus features

The Sejex Hosting Control Panel is full of free–of–charge bonuses, which will permit you to kick off your Internet presence with minimal effort. These bonuses include a 1 Click Applications Installer tool, a 1 Click Framework Installer, a Free Of Charge Site Creator and a collection of free of charge design themes. These are only a few of the cost–free bonuses that will come with your hosting package. You will also get a .academy domain for just $15.99 with each shared hosting account you set up with us. Amongst the bonuses are also a Sitemap Generator and an .htaccess Generator.

Additionally, if you take advantage of our Linux VPS plans or Linux dedicated servers, you’ll get your own free copy of a popular billing software app and a free domain name reseller account for your reseller hosting business’s needs. A dedicated IP address is also offered at no charge.

A multitude of free bonus features

Choose your data center

We know that enhancing the on–site experience of your web site visitors and achieving a higher search engine ranking are a number–one priority for you. To achieve that, your websites have to be located on a web server, which is close to your potential website visitors. Because of this, we offer you the chance to select between three first–rate data centers situated on three different continents. Your options are: the Colohouse data center in Chicago – if you want a US Located Shared Hosting service; our data center facility in Coventry – if you want a UK Located Shared Hosting service; the FI located datacenter in Pori, Finland in case you would want a North European shared hosting solution service; our Eastern Europe located datacenter in Sofia, Bulgaria, if you require an East European shared hosting solution; and our data center in Sydney – if you prefer an AU Located Shared Hosting service.

Your data center choice doesn’t affect the prices or the array of available features. At any rate, you’ll get: a 99.9% uptime guarantee with all cloud hosting packages and web hosting services, the most recent stable versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL, along with the possibility to select your PHP version.

A risk–free hosting service

To top it all, our web hosting service is completely risk–free. We offer you a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, which goes to say that your web sites will be visible online regardless of what happens with our hosting servers. And if you have any problems, our help desk support team is at your disposal 24–7–365 and the guaranteed client support ticket response time is less than 60 minutes. If you’re not satisfied with our cloud hosting service for any reason, you can get a full refund. We offer a 30–day money–back guarantee.

A risk–free hosting service
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  • Shared Hosting

  • Learn more about our risk–free cloud hosting packages. See how they can help you improve your website.

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  • 1 Click Applications Installer

  • WordPress, Joomla and many other web apps now just a click away. Learn about the App Installer – a handy feature that’s part of our Hosting Control Panel.

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  • SSL Services

  • You can have your SSL certificates or Wildcard SSL certificates installed in a millisecond. Get the cheapest possible prices – only with Sejex.