These days, pretty much all new computing devices have SSD drives instead of HDD drives. You can see superlatives on them all around the specialized press – that they’re a lot quicker and operate much better and they are the future of home pc and laptop computer generation.

Nevertheless, how do SSDs perform inside the website hosting community? Could they be responsible enough to substitute the tested HDDs? At Sejex, we’ll help you far better comprehend the distinctions among an SSD and an HDD and decide the one that most accurately fits you needs.

1. Access Time


With the arrival of SSD drives, file accessibility speeds have gone tremendous. Thanks to the brand–new electronic interfaces made use of in SSD drives, the standard data access time has shrunk towards a all–time low of 0.1millisecond.


HDD drives depend on spinning disks for files storage purposes. When a file is being utilized, you will need to wait around for the correct disk to reach the correct place for the laser beam to access the file involved. This results in a common access rate of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


With thanks to the exact same revolutionary technique that allows for better access times, you may as well get pleasure from greater I/O performance with SSD drives. They will carry out twice as many procedures within a specific time as compared to an HDD drive.

An SSD can manage a minimum of 6000 IO’s per second.


All through the very same tests, the HDD drives demonstrated to be significantly slower, with 400 IO operations handled per second. Although this may appear to be a great number, for people with a hectic server that hosts plenty of sought after websites, a slow hard disk drive can lead to slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


The lack of moving parts and spinning disks inside SSD drives, and also the recent advances in electric interface technology have resulted in a considerably better file storage device, with a common failing rate of 0.5%.


To have an HDD drive to work, it has to spin a couple metallic hard disks at more than 7200 rpm, holding them magnetically stabilized in the air. There is a great number of moving components, motors, magnets along with other tools crammed in a tiny location. Consequently it’s no surprise that the regular rate of failing associated with an HDD drive ranges somewhere between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are usually small compared to HDD drives and they don’t have just about any moving components at all. This means that they don’t generate so much heat and need much less energy to operate and less energy for cooling down purposes.

SSDs use up between 2 and 5 watts.


From the minute they were built, HDDs were always extremely power–greedy equipment. And when you’ve got a web server with different HDD drives, this will likely increase the month–to–month electric bill.

Normally, HDDs consume between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The faster the data access rate is, the sooner the data file demands will be delt with. As a result the CPU will not have to save allocations waiting around for the SSD to respond back.

The normal I/O delay for SSD drives is actually 1%.


HDD drives support slower access rates compared to SSDs do, resulting for the CPU needing to wait around, while arranging allocations for the HDD to find and give back the required data file.

The common I/O wait for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs carry out as perfectly as they managed in the course of Sejex’s lab tests. We produced a full system back up on one of the production machines. All through the backup process, the average service time for any I/O calls was basically below 20 ms.


Throughout the exact same tests sticking with the same web server, this time equipped out using HDDs, efficiency was substantially slower. Throughout the server back up process, the regular service time for any I/O requests fluctuated between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You can actually notice the real–world added benefits of utilizing SSD drives every single day. For instance, with a server loaded with SSD drives, a complete data backup is going to take just 6 hours.


We applied HDDs mainly for a few years and we have very good knowledge of just how an HDD runs. Creating a backup for a server furnished with HDD drives can take around 20 to 24 hours.

With Sejex, you can get SSD–operated hosting solutions at good prices. Our shared hosting plans and our Linux VPS plans feature SSD drives automatically. Apply for an account with Sejex and witness the way your sites can become better instantaneously.

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