Provide your web site a boost with a US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plan

Semi-dedicated Servers are a crossbreed system. They characterize a special fuse between the power of a Linux dedicated server plus the user–friendliness of a ordinary shared hosting account. By having a semi–dedicated server, you will not have root access to the server, yet you also will not have to address any server management responsibilities. And also you’ll be in a position to manage everything by making use of our own Hosting Control Panel.

In order to provide this type of innovative web hosting solution, we need the aid of a top–tier data center where we are able to set up our custom made cloud infrastructure. This is the reason we picked our US located datacenter for being home of the semi–dedicated servers.

The US located datacenter is situated in downtown Chicago. It’s directly linked with a lot of the top–tier Internet providers in the USA, offering wonderful connectivity for all your websites located there. Moreover, because of the special infrastructure we’ve got assembled there, we could assure you a 99.9% network uptime.

Using the consolidated power of our cloud website hosting platform and our data center, our US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plans are an outstanding choice for your future web presence.

Other US Hosting Services

The US located datacenter is in addition home of a few more web hosting services apart from our US semi–dedicated servers. We supply cloud hosting packages built around an unequalled cloud hosting platform. Each US Located Shared Hosting package boasts a academy domain name for just $15.99 and limitless disk space and traffic allocations. You may also choose our US Located VPS Plans, which are based on NVMe disks offering unbeatable file access speed. You can go for a US Located Dedicated Web Hosting Plans – a perfect web hosting solution when you’ve got a live video streaming website or a CPU hungry application.