Our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is designed to assist you to install full PHP frameworks for your web site, with zero setup required from you. You don’t need to seek the most recent version of a framework for your project and invest several hours on downloading it and also configuring it. Now you have got every little thing readily available inside your Hosting Control Panel, displayed in a simple to operate interface.

Diverse frameworks offered

Start your web enterprise using a framework

There are plenty of PHP frameworks on the web that are fighting to offer the top platform for your personal websites. Our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer features some of the most preferred and widely used PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Every one of these frameworks could very well be integrated with a click and it is upgraded to the most current stable release constantly.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installing

Your PHP framework is just a mouse click away

Setting up a PHP framework can be challenging and sophisticated, because you have to make sure you get the most current stable release and possess expertise to configure it all by yourself. With the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, we aim to get rid of this difficulty. The Installer helps you set up an entire PHP framework in just a moment, without any additional setup demanded.

We’ve made an effort to streamline the installation procedure as much as possible. All you should do is notify the Installer exactly where you need your PHP framework to be installed and Sejex’s intelligent system will perform the rest.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The best technique to back up a framework

If you work with crucial business info, you must maintain a backup of everything, especially when there are many of modifications made. With the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, you may create a backup of your framework with just a click. Our system will generate the backup file and then upload it within your account. We’ve not established any kind of limitation on the number of backups you can make or for the period when you’re able to create them.

Besides the manual backups which you produce, we run automated backups for all your websites on a regular basis. That way, we offer a full and also protected backup solution for your business project data.

1-click backup