We’ve made a couple of Advanced Applications available for you absolutely free with the Sejex Hosting Control Panel! They are created for web designers or for site owners who wish to take care of their website hosting setting on their own. You can quickly create an .htaccess file, customize the PHP build for your hosting account, modify the php.ini file, create different automated jobs and apps, and a lot more!

All Advanced Applications follow the design pattern of our Hosting Control Panel, leading them to be genuinely easy to use.

Hotlink Protection

Safeguard yourself against data transfer theft

When you create unique website content for one’s website, it is important to secure it from those who would like to use it devoid of your approval. For this specific purpose, we’ve developed an outstanding safety tool inside the Sejex Hosting Control Panel. Sejex’s Hotlink Protection tool is made to protect all photographs at your website from being published in any publications devoid of your permission.

The instrument is admittedly easy to use, with no settings expected in the least. All you must actually do is just select which domain name to protect and activate the service.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Automatic generation of .htaccess files

Incorporated inside the Sejex Hosting Control Panel you will find .htaccess Generator – a powerful software tool, which lets you create .htaccess files without the need to generate them manually. The tool involves no practical experience and zero comprehension of .htaccess file operations.

By having an .htaccess file, you can quickly reroute a few web pages of your website or maybe the whole site to a brand new place. You may also make use of it to secure a directory by way of a username and password as well as to have PHP code within HTML files, etcetera.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Stop malicious IP addresses from your web site

Inside of the Sejex Hosting Control Panel we have built in a really helpful tool that permits you to minimize the ability to access your sites by stopping different IP addresses. When using the IP blocking tool, you’ll be able to prevent an IP address or, possibly a full range of IPs from opening your website. To find out which IP addresses generate the ’harmful’ site traffic to your site, you should check out the Stats Manager.

Just about all IPs are obstructed immediately and then nobody will be able to look at or gain access to your site from them any longer.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Change the PHP settings for your personal website

The Sejex Hosting Control Panel will give you the alternative to instantly affect the PHP release for your personal website hosting account. It’s possible to select from older PHP editions all the way to the most up–to–date stable PHP release. We have put together a simplified user interface that allows you to modify the PHP version as many times as you would like to. And the build you’ll have chosen will be applied straight away.

No matter what PHP version you select, furthermore, you will have complete control in the php.ini file – the PHP configuration file for your account. You can quickly alter some of the most common options, update the complete php.ini file or rapidly revert all changes as well as set things to their default state.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automatic scheduled tasks

Within the Sejex Hosting Control Panel, we have created an effortless and user–friendly user interface for creating new and also handling already present cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job can be described as an appointed job – commonly a script, which is run at predefined periods of time. It can be a basic script for checking out if your web site is on the Internet, an emailing script, a web site overall performance review, etcetera.

You’ll be able to configure take advantage of cron jobs with all of our cloud hosting offers. If you happen to want more cron jobs, it’s possible to acquire more as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Good way to defend all your data files

When using the Sejex Hosting Control Panel, it is easy to promptly secure each directory on your web site, thanks to the Password Protection tool. All you must actually do is select the folder you would like to safeguard and then specify a username and a security password that just you will know. Your folder as well as its contents will be guarded immediately.

The password you’ve selected are going to be saved in a protected method. No person can access it and you will be able to change it once you want.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL re–direction with only several clicks

With the Sejex Hosting Control Panel, it’s possible to rather quickly redirect your domain to a different place by way of the URL Redirection tool. It’s actually uncomplicated – everything you should make is specify precisely where your website is going to be linked to. No requirement for virtually any .htaccess files, PHP redirections, DNS configurations, etcetera to be set. Your site will be rerouted all the way to the completely new location directly.

It is possible to cancel the website redirection any time. Everything you are required to complete is go to the URL Redirection tool and then disable the domain name re–direction. After that your site is going to start going to the original location.

URL Redirection