A few years ago, the cPanel Control Panel was an unquestionable leader on the website hosting scene. Its recognition grew so big that these days cPanel is an analogue of Control Panel. Still, the cPanel Control Panel is constructed on obsolete concepts and what worked well eight years ago is just not actual at present.

Because of this, we made the Sejex Control Panel, based on the ideas of nowadays and prepared for the tests of the day after. It has been developed to perform in the cloud, to always be convenient to use and to allow you to control every aspect of your web presence: website, domain name and billing, all from one location.

1. Domain/invoicing/site settings


When using the Sejex Control Panel you are able to look after all your web sites, domain names and email addresses within the same place. You do not need to use any additional billing or domain name interfaces.


The cPanel Control Panel does not support synchronised management of domains and websites. You will receive one billing panel for your domains and bills, and a separate Control Panel for your web sites.

2. File Hierarchy


Managing a lot of domains and sites from a single web hosting account needs to be simple. Within the Sejex Control Panel, each domain name and subdomain is found in a standalone directory and is completely independent from the rest.


Within the cPanel Control Panel, you will have 1 directory for your main website and all other websites are placed inside this folder. This would make taking care of many sites from a single interface very puzzling.

3. File Manager


The Sejex Control Panel offers an intuitive File Manager, which enables you to add data files by simply dragging them in your browser. You will get immediate access to all the features through convenient right click context menus. You can as well take advantage of program code and WYSIWYG editors. All characteristics are really simple to find.


The cPanel’s File Manager offers you limited control of your files and directories. You’ll have trouble adding a number of files at a time and will not have the capacity to drag and drop files because this capability is not supported. A zip/extract function is just not offered either. File editing applications have also been limited.

4. No–fee Bonus Tools


Using the Sejex Control Panel, you you’ll find a wide range of no–charge add–ons created by us. They’re offered at no cost with each hosting plan, which uses our Control Panel. With each plan, you can use tools like the Web Site Installer Instrument, the 1 Click Applications Installer, the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, the Free Of Charge Site Creator, a selection of Advanced Applications, and a lot more.


Each web hosting provider supplying cPanel decides on its very own precisely what free–of–charge bonus features to to use in your website hosting package. And also, since cPanel is a licensed Control Panel, the 100–percent–free benefits also have to be covered by the web hosting company. This will inevitably boost the price of your website hosting package, so the free–of–cost gifts integrated in your service will in reality be fee based.

5. Control Panel Performance Rates


The Sejex Control Panel is built employing the newest Internet technologies. In this way, it uses fully the power of your browser and Internet access to help you maintain your websites extremely fast. In our comparison tests, when doing identical jobs, the Control Panel achieved 3 times faster speeds than the competition.


The cPanel Control Panel is set up on numerous web servers, running on a selection of hardware and software configurations. However, its worldwide distribution leads to significantly sluggish and much less protected performance as compared with other Control Panel interfaces that are optimized for just one platform exclusively.

6. Multi–domain Controls


The Sejex Control Panel allows you to conveniently maintain many web sites and their domains from a single place. Every single website is going to have its own unique folder in the main directory of your account and will also be absolutely free from the rest. In this manner, you need use only 1 hosting account to control as many domain names and websites as you need.


The cPanel Control Panel helps keep things separated – you need to handle your domains from one login area and your web sites from another. Each site possesses its own Control Panel. Maintaining numerous web sites within one Control Panel is also possible, but could be confusing simply because all of the extra domains will be stored in the folder of the principal domain.

7. Control Panel Navigation


In the Sejex Control Panel, you’ll be shown the most up–to–date reports for your sites and with easy access icons to the main parts. Plus, you are able to browse around the Control Panel, thanks to Sejex’s top navigation bar, which includes hyperlinks to all presented menus.


The cPanel Control Panel displays all offered icons on the main page, which means it isn’t customized to your own necessities. Moreover, once you enter a menu, you cannot easily move to another and need to to get back to the homepage alternatively. This type of navigation can be really annoying for you, particularly if you implement multiple sections every time you change your sites.

8. Trial Control Panel Accounts


The Sejex Control Panel comes with a full demo that provides nearly every menu and functionality it is bundled with. You can start setting up a website, add apps, set up email addresses, etc. That way, you can get a much more rounded understanding of its interface and characteristics before signing up.


The cPanel Control Panel demo interface is simply a screen–shot of what’s in the primary menu. Almost every capability that is displayed there is unavailable. This way, when you enroll, you’ll have no clue how the different tools and functions of the Control Panel actually perform.

Instead of just learning about the Sejex Hosting Control Panel, you can easily check out our own Live Demo and see for yourself how easy to understand site management may very well be.

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