From within the Databases Manager included in the Hosting Control Panel, it will be easy to set–up brand new MySQL and PgSQL databases immediately! In addition, you’ll have direct access to the administrator area software programs (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), allowing you to easily revise the database you want.

A Simple to operate User interface

Handle your databases with a click

Supervising your databases is simpler than ever before, thanks to the Hosting Control Panel user interface for MySQL and PgSQL management! Provided you do not have extensive expertise in making use of databases, it will be simple to manage Sejex’s Databases Manager.

You can create a brand new database by merely keying in the user name and security password or produce a database backup with simply a click of the mouse. Additionally, within the Data Manager you have direct access to the management area for every single database, which enables you to effortlessly modify it.

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Quick and easy Database Backup

Database backup copies are a click away

Within the Databases Manager you’re able to make an archived duplicate of your database when you want! That way, you will always have a data backup of your active content in the event your website gets compromised or if you mistakenly eliminate a database. To make a back–up: click on the ’clock’ icon on the side of a particular database and after that wait for a couple of seconds for the backup process to be finalized.

There aren’t any limitations on the amount of databases you would be able to back up or the quantity of backup copies you can make for any database.

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PgSQL Databases Support

Simply the most secure open source databases

You’ll find PgSQL support in all of our shared hosting packages. PgSQL databases might not be as sought after and widespread as MySQL, nevertheless they offer the maximum level of protection for your website content and articles. Due to this, many well–known businesses like Skype and Yahoo make use of PgSQL databases. Handling PgSQL databases is as easy and simple as MySQL, as a result of the easy–to–use user interface of the Databases Manager.

PgSQL databases are included automatically within the most advanced web hosting packages. For the regular packages, they’re included as upgrades.

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InnoDB Databases

The brand new face of MySQL

We have integrated InnoDB – the brand new standard MySQL database engine on all of our servers. InnoDB is made for substantial database sites which require high levels of performance and scalability. Experiments show that web sites applying InnoDB based tables achieve a 3–fold performance grow for huge joins, in contrast to those using MyISAM tables.

InnoDB makes use of row–level locking in an effort to clear away the overall performance problems witnessed at the high consumption times of the prior variant of the database engine – MyISAM, which uses table–level locking.

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Detailed Database Stats

Complete statistics for all of your databases

From the all–inclusive database statistics tool included in the Hosting Control Panel, you are able to keep track of the stress created through your active web sites around the clock. Every single overload trouble with your web sites could slow the loading speeds and have a damaging impact on the overall experience of your respective visitors. Thus, by having data about the database load right away, it will be easier to eliminate overload troubles at once.

The database data user interface shows info of the number of daily, hourly and monthly queries, in order to assess just how the load is spread over different periods of time.

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