To maintain a rapidly running web site, you must have a clean and well structured code. Inside the Hosting Control Panel, you will find a list of instruments that will help you accelerate your website’s effectiveness without having to revise anything inside the code. The Web Site Acceleration Tools – Memcached, Node.js and Varnish will not just aid you to deliver quicker streaming rates to your guests and therefore decrease bounce rates, but may also take your website higher in the search engine listings.

To work with the Web Site Acceleration Tools, just simply access your Hosting Control Panel and produce an instance for the acceleration tool you like the most.


RAM–caching in place of database queries

The Memcached tool is great for enhancing site loading rates by caching the data–base info that is inquired by your website visitors. It is a dynamic memory–based object store, which allows for data and objects to be memorized within the RAM rather than being requested when a customer goes to a webpage.

This system is perfect for your database–driven web sites or applications in which your web visitors invest lots of time browsing and reading information. Memcached can be found in the advanced applications area of the Hosting Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving as an alternative for HTTP requests

You will discover a lot of ways to quicken a website, but many of them require a programmer to rewrite the backend code. Fortunately, there are more convenient tools for quickening a web site, like the Varnish web accelerator tool included in Sejex’s Hosting Control Panel.

Varnish represents a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which keeps HTTP calls inside the server RAM and returns them to the viewer instead of expecting the web server to send them. Checks reveal that implementing Varnish on a website as well as a web application typically hurries up website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish may well also be configured how to deal with newly arriving queries – whether they need to be served by Varnish, by the hosting server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


An easy way to develop adaptable web applications

If you need to produce an application, it is best to have the equipment you may need available to you right away, without needing to lookup, assemble and install them. The Hosting Control Panel could save you both the time and money, by providing you with the resources you may need right where you need it.

The Node.js tool helps designers, whether or not they’re experts or otherwise, to create flexible network applications and sites. It is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine as well as the libUV. Node.js employs an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it compact and also useful, ideal for data–intensive real–time web applications that run through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager