
Designed for all types of projects

Our Virtual Private Server package deals are equipped with the whole set of benefits and software instruments you’ll need to operate your media–intensive sites and applications from one particular place. Every single VPS offer offers you a selection of Linux distributions, NVMe storage space, admin access and regular offsite file backups. You’ll get warranted CPU and RAM memory quotas for faster connections.

NVMe drives

Give a boost to your website’s functionality with our NVMe–centered VPS’s

Each of the Virtual Private Servers delivered by Sejex comes provided with NVMes instead of common hard drives. Owning NVMe disks on your virtual machine could be a great asset for your websites. NVMe drives offer a lot better read/write rates and additionally support a lot quicker data file access. This generally indicates that all the things on your hosting server will function faster, including all your websites and applications.

OS preferences

Select from CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian

We deliver a range of Linux OS versions for your virtual server at signup. On the order form, you can pick out between these Operating System alternatives – Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS. All you need to do is select the one that you like and we’ll set it up for you.

A bonus dedicated IP

Get a free dedicated IP with every single Virtual Private Server

A Virtual Private Server gives you absolute self–reliance on the web, and to assist you begin easily, we offer you a dedicated IP address as a gift. As soon as you join, all you need to do let us know which Operating System you desire and we will arrange your hosting server and allocate a special dedicated IP address to you free–of–charge. In case you want more IP addresses, you can buy them from your Control Panel at an inexpensive cost.