An OS of your choice

Get the Operating System that best fits you

With a KVM-driven VPS, you’ll be truly autonomous from the host server Operating System-wise. The KVM virtualization approach makes it possible for virtual machines to interact directly with the physical machine’s hardware, without needing to go through a separate virtualization layer. That way, with the correct ISO image, you can install any Operating System that is supported by your server
An OS of your choice

A noticeably better resource usage

System resources for your own use only

By abolishing the need for a supplementary virtualization layer through which the entire communication with the main server is routed, KVM-driven Virtual Private Servers can take advantage of a decidedly improved server resource utilization. With KVM, the virtualization instructions are copied straight into the host OS kernel itself, meaning that all KVM-driven virtual machines can interact directly with the physical server’s CPU (central processing unit). Virtio network and disk drivers, on the other hand, cut out any superfluous emulation on the host. This trimmed communication redundancy suggests a distinctly faster real-world performance when compared with other server virtualization technologies.
A noticeably better resource usage

A groundbreaking server virtualization methodology

A kernel-based server virtualization

The basic benefit of the KVM server virtualization platform is that it is embedded into the physical host server’s OS, erasing the need for any supplementary virtualization layer. This means that there is no need for an additional software app that rests between the host machine and the virtual machines that have been configured. This also eliminates the virtualization layer as a possible single point of failure (SPOF). All this means faster and considerably more dependable KVM-powered virtual servers compared to other virtual servers.
A groundbreaking server virtualization methodology

NVMe–driven VPS Hosting Solutions

Your resource–demanding webpages will now come to be very quick

Each individual KVM VPS plan provided by Sejex is built with very fast NVMe disks. They support faster data file admittance and much quicker reading/writing data transfer speeds as compared to the regular hard disks. In truth, these NVMes can make all of your web pages stream a lot faster. Plus you won’t need to adjust a single thing in order to make the most of the advantages available from the NVMe disks.

NVMe–driven VPS Hosting Solutions

Linux OS Options

Choose your Linux distribution

You can easily choose a Linux distribution – CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu with all of our KVM VPS plans.

Linux OS Options

No VPS Setup Costs

No set–up or networking repairs and maintenance charges

Our KVM VPS plans are based upon an advanced virtualization technology that grants you more freedom from the other end users on the web server. The certification price of this technology raises the price of a VPS plan compared to that of a normal cloud website hosting package. To make up for the somewhat higher value, we will not impose any configuration and network maintenance fees.

No VPS Setup Costs

Our Service Guarantees

24x7 guidance and no set–up fees

Your own KVM VPS plan will be put together in about one hour after sign–up. We will not bill you any installation costs, so the selling price you find on our site is the end worth for your VPS. We have spent effort and time in building our very own inside system and we are able to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. In the event you need help with the pre–installed software, you are able to take advantage of our support service round–the–clock.

Our Service Guarantees

24/7 Support

We are working hard to help you at any moment of the day or night

Your site is offline at 2 o’clock in the morning and you have no idea what has caused this? Our experienced client support staff is at your beck and call. You would like to set up some software programs on your VPS, but have not a clue how you can proceed with the setup? Our professionals will help you with that. Weekends? We’re still available. Holiday season? We are at your service too. That’s one of the advantages of being provided with a a 24x7 support service. With a 60 min reply time warranty.

24/7 Support

A bonus Dedicated IP

1 unique free–of–charge dedicated IP with each virtual hosting server

With every single KVM VPS plan, you will obtain one gratis dedicated IP.

A bonus Dedicated IP

VPS server Backup

A quick and risk–free method to backup essential data

There’s hardly anything more irritating than the loss of your data on the hosting server mistakenly and being unaware of the way to have it all back. Each of the KVM VPS plans is secured by our server operators on a routine schedule and might be restored whenever you want. Therefore we make a backup copy of every little thing on the hosting server – from your web page’s favicon to your Apache and PHP configurations.

VPS server Backup

Full Root Access to the Server to the Web Hosting Server

Complete admittance to to each aspect of your server

With complete root admittance to the KVM VPS plan (with cPanel), you could easily grow to be a supervisor of your own server environment. This degree of admittance allows you to add an OS or enhance the Apache server settings. You are also able to install various software applications and restart the host anytime you have to. Thanks to our Installation & Troubleshooting package, you can leave all this work to our sys administrators.

Full Root Access to the Server to the Web Hosting Server

Specifications of Your VPS

Be in complete power over your virtual server platform

Each one of our KVM VPS plans has been built with all the primary attributes that you need to be able to maintain your media–intensive web presence. You will get a variety of Operating Systems, plenty of memory space quotas and a range of cost free characteristics, for instance a dedicated IP address and also a domains supplier profile. Therefore, no matter whether you plan to run just one memory–demanding website or a small–scale app hosting server, or you plan to perhaps start your own reseller web hosting business, you will have all you need right at hand.

Specifications of Your VPS

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make money utilizing your server

Witness the capabilities of the Sejex web hosting dashboard in launching your own wholesale hosting brand easily. Employ the Manage Accounts functionality to set up up to 5 independent sub-accounts, each ready for selling to your preferred audience. Even if selling hosting isn't your main focus, making use of extra accounts can successfully offset monthly server expenses. Please bear in mind that while Managed Assistance packages are provided, assistance with invoice or client assistance is not within our area of expertise.

Hepsia Reseller Tools