SSH Access

No charge SSH access privileges for your machine

To help you communicate straight with your machine, without the need to make use of the Hosting Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access rights with your semi-dedicated hosting plan. Using this functionality, you are able to quickly communicate with your files, databases and domains using your console. Nonetheless, since you will share the server with some other consumers, there will be no way for you to change the server’s settings.

SSH access is incorporated as an add-on service with the smaller bundle, and as a free-of-charge bonus item with the bigger configuration.

SSH Access

24x7 Support

Ask us anything. We are right here for you 24/7/365.

Waiting for many hours to get you reply from the tech support crew might be rather annoying, no matter how trivial your difficulty is. For this reason, right here, at Sejex, we offer you a 1 hour answer time frame warranty, and our consultants normally answer within just 20 mins by way of the ticketing system an integral part of the 1 Click Applications Installer. They’re out there for you 24 hours.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Free-of-cost dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP address is listed at zero cost with the semi-dedicated 2 server setup. You’ll be able to use it from the moment you are able to access the Hosting Control Panel. With a dedicated IP, you will have the ability to maximize the uniqueness of your website, to instantly set up an SSL certificate for your website, and even register your individual name servers that will resolve to your very own IP address.

Plus, if at any moment you want an extra IP address, you are able to have it at a promo rate straight from your Hosting Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Safety–enhanced Linux–oriented servers

Sejex’s servers offer you a security–improved Linux OS, which makes them very safe and balanced. We have invested quite a lot of time and energy in creating a secure and protected network system that has the full potential survive huge hacking or distributed denial–of–service intrusions without bringing about disorders to the web hosting platform and damaging your site’s functionality.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Free Templates

Well over a hundred cost–free WordPress and Joomla templates to choose from

You can always download and install a Wordpress or Joomla template with simply a mouse–click from your 1 Click Applications Installer. There’s no need to head over to third–party websites for first–rate themes. We have a large selection for you conveniently incorporated into your web hosting profile. All you need to do is select the theme that you want and click on the Download button. All designs are totally free–of–charge for you.

Free Templates


All–embracing and scalable services for your resource–hungry sites

Our semi-dedicated servers support quicker site launching data transfer speeds and a superior expandability. The server stress is dispersed among a lot of servers rather than one, so you will in no way be impacted by strain concerns and scheduled upkeep actions. Every semi–dedicated server comes equipped with an easy–to–use 1 Click Applications Installer available in around 10 different languages and with a 1–click Apps Installer, by which you may easily design weblogs, group sites, graphic albums, and so forth.


  • Service guarantees

  • All of our semi-dedicated servers are put together for you completely free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access. Cost–free Control Panel bundled.
  • Compare our prices

  • Review the allocations and capabilities provided by the semi-dedicated servers. Start with a smaller server setup and upgrade with a click of the mouse when your online presence expands.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Contact us at any time by email or through our extra–fast ticketing platform. We are going to respond within 60 minutes.