An Innovative Shared Hosting Platform

Putting together your own shared hosting platform is definitely a difficult and lengthy process. It is also very expensive – you dedicate both money and time in a single project. This is why we set–up our own secure and also solid shared hosting platform.

Everything runs using a heavily adjusted version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux), which is probably the most secure, if not the most reliable Operating System to be found. And we have selected a collection of trustworthy hardware components that will not break that easily. This is exactly what permits us to guarantee you a 99.9% uptime for all of your sites.

Our shared hosting platform will ensure that you get a quick connection for all your customers. Our servers are hosted in top–level data centers located in various parts of the planet, and also in every datacenter we have engineered a tailor–made internal network. Designed with high–quality hardware from Juniper, our network allows a super quick connection worldwide. And it also allows us to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of our web hosting solutions in each of the datacenters.

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $15.99/year
  • .BARGAINS - $8.99/year
  • .CAFE - $6.49/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Hosting Control Panel

One of our major objectives is to always permit anyone to develop something extraordinary online and to make the latter pretty simple. By reason of this we developed our distinctive shared hosting platform. And that is also exactly why we crafted our custom Hosting Control Panel. It is developed to be the sole control panel you will need for website and domain management. Plus, it lives in the cloud.

To allow you to not spend as much time coping with your hosting account and focus on your website on the other hand, we have developed several impressive tools. The File Manager allows you to upload your files just by dragging them within the web browser on a secure and protected connection, without the need for any FTP clients. And, you can take care of a wide range of websites from the same location. With the Domain Names Manager, you’re able to control all your domain names concurrently. We’ll begin gathering stats for your web sites once they go online, with hardly any configuration demanded on your side – you can visit our Web Statistics Manager.

You will possess heaps of entirely free resources for you to use as well. With our Web Site Installer Instrument, it is possible to create a new website accompanied by a customized theme in some 4 simple steps. You can easily install many of the 40+ applications by utilizing the 1 Click Applications Installer tool with completely no configuration needed. You can make customized sites and not write even one line of HTML code employing our Free Of Charge Site Creator. It’s possible to enhance your your web sites along with our group of Web Site Acceleration Tools. And that’s merely a small selection of all the resources available within our Hosting Control Panel.

  • Service guarantees

  • Register now. There aren’t any installation service fees and you can make full use of our 30 day reimbursement warranty if you are not 100% satisfied with our platform.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a quick look at the instruments and features supplied by all of our hosting packages. You can begin with a cheaper package and upgrade with a click when your web site grows.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • Choose Sejex and relish the best connection speeds for your web sites from any corner of the world on account of Sejex’s top-class datacenters.
  • Contact Us

  • You’ll be able to get in touch with us throughout business hours over the phone for just about any pre–sale details.