
Develop and manage your own websites in the cloud at the cheapest possible price

Host your resource–demanding websites in the cloud at an excellent price. Our custom–developed shared hosting platform will give you a plentiful of resources and also distributes the server load across a few machines, and you will never confront slow web site loading speeds and network outages. With unlimited storage space and traffic quotas, you won’t have to worry about your websites. Every hosting package comes with a point–and–click Hosting Control Panel to help you easily fully utilize the available hosting resources, plus an unconditional 30–day money–back guarantee so that you can get your money back if you aren’t pleased.


Faster Performance

Our brand–new cloud hosting system warrants a much faster overall performance for your websites.

Network bandwidth has been increased to 10 Gb/s for the sake of much better web connectivity and light speed website loading times. Spare web hosting servers were also added to make more efficient routine server maintenance tasks and to decrease service interruptions and downtimes. All the user accounts have been migrated to NVMe disks, which are significantly faster and far more reliable than the traditional hard disk drives.

Faster Performance

Service Scalability

A cloud hosting service that can match your needs

Our shared hosting system is fully scalable, which means that you can make full use of the available hosting resources even if the physical machine is under maintenance or stress. Since all essential services are handled by a few physical servers rather than just a single one, you’ll also enjoy light speed web site load speeds and a guaranteed stability of performance. Plus, you can further improve your hosting plan with wider hard disk drive storage space, monthly traffic, MySQL database space, CPU usage, etc. allocations, or even upgrade to a more powerful hosting plan whenever you want.

Service Scalability

Website Builder

Save some money on web design – create your websites with a click of the mouse

Save some money on high–priced web design solutions – we provide you with all the tools that you will need to do the job on your own. With the very convenient Free Of Charge Site Creator, you can build a whole site with a single click using any of the available ready–made web design themes. You can then incorporate your custom content. We offer over 100 skins for both personal and business sites featuring distinct colour combinations.

Website Builder

  • Service guarantees

  • Register now. There aren’t any installation service fees and you can make full use of our 30 day reimbursement warranty if you are not 100% satisfied with our platform.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a quick look at the instruments and features supplied by all of our hosting packages. You can begin with a cheaper package and upgrade with a click when your web site grows.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • You’ll be able to get in touch with us throughout business hours over the phone for just about any pre–sale details.