What is Moodle?

Assuming that you represent an educational organization and you also would like to help make your sessions accessible online, then Moodle should be your number one solution. Moodle supplies an internet based tutoring software that is developed for instructors and tutors, who want to make their classes accessible on the web.

In the interest of it’s distinctive target audience, Moodle is built to be simple to use by both the mentor and also the student, so that it can be more handy. That’s why you will find such a enormous community, committed to creating themes and plugins that improve Moodle’s core capabilities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not connected with Sejex.

E-School Shared Hosting Services

Provided that you run an online course for students, your site must be consistently available on the web, regardless how many learners are seeing it all at once. At Sejex you can find dedicated E-School shared hosting services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Therefore it doesn’t matter what transpires, your website will always be available.

All our E-School shared hosting packages furthermore have limitless disk space, infinite data traffic and limitless MySQL storage. To kick–start your academic web site, we also provide a completely free domain name registration or domain transfer. On top of that, we are going to configure Moodle for your web site the minute you sign up. Consequently, after you log in in your control panel, you can have your Moodle web site already available on the www, awaiting you.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

When you manage an online course, it’s essential to commit just as much time as possible on your course instead of on site supervision. That’s why it’s vital that you have a control panel which is as user friendly as is possible – our Hosting Control Panel.

The Hosting Control Panel is built upon our specialized shared hosting platform and it’s meant to work with it specifically. This gives Sejex’s Hosting Control Panel a major advantage in efficiency, stability and dependability over alternative control panels. Additionally, Sejex’s control panel is full of applications and bonuses to help you much better manage your web site. With Sejex’s File Manager, Domain Names Manager, Mail Account Manager, Web Statistics Manager and Databases Manager you will uncover how a chore such as site control can become something easy and exciting.