A data center is a facility which keeps a large number of hosting servers. The hosting servers can be used for numerous applications - Internet hosting, file and image storage, computing, etcetera. All larger companies that provide online services have their servers in one or several data centers because such a facility can provide the desired environment and protection for the data kept on the machines. Including environmental controls for the humidity and temperature in order to ensure the optimal performance and long life of the web servers, backup power generators, hardware monitoring and last, but not least, physical security and safety as to ensure that that your info cannot be accessed by an unauthorized third-party. A inadequately performing data center may very easily undermine the services which a firm supplies.

Data centers in Shared Hosting

Our shared hosting servers are located in 5 of the biggest data centre facilities around the globe located in Chicago (USA), Coventry (UK), Pori (FI), Sofia (BG) and Sydney (AU). We provide exactly the same high level service everywhere since our advanced cloud hosting platform is available in all 5 of them, but for your benefit, you'll be able to select the one you wish. The continuous functioning of your websites will be guaranteed by effective diesel backup generators and numerous backbone Internet providers that each of the facilities employs within the respective country. The data centers have knowledgeable technical support teams which keep an eye on all hosting servers 24/7 and due to the fact your Internet sites shall be hosted on our innovative cluster platform, you can be certain that you'll enjoy quick and reliable service all of the time. All 5 facilities can be found on the order page, so you'll be able to pick the one closer to you or to your target area.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you choose one of our semi-dedicated server solutions, you'll find five data centers to choose from on the order page. The reason to offer multiple locations is to make certain that your visitors shall enjoy amazing loading speeds regardless of their location. The groundbreaking hosting platform that we employ for the semi-dedicated accounts is available in all five locations - the U.S., England, Bulgaria, Australia and Finland, so you shall get the exact same high-quality service irrespective of your choice. All 5 facilities employ enterprise-level UPS units and highly effective diesel generators to make certain that all hosting servers accommodated inside each of them will continue to be functional in case there is a power failure. The connectivity to the hosting servers is guaranteed by using a number of Internet service providers with direct fiber routes to key cities on each continent. If any unanticipated issue occurs, it shall be resolved immediately by experienced tech support crews which are available 24/7 in every one of the five facilities.

Data centers in VPS Servers

If you decide to host your websites on an OpenVZ-powered VPS server from our company, you shall be able to choose any one of the 5 data center locations that we offer. Colohouse in Chicago, USA, UK Servers near Conventry, England, Amaze in Sydney, AU, S3Company in Sofia, Bulgaria and Ficolo in Pori, Finland, present superb collocation services which permit us to concentrate on constantly bettering our Virtual Private Server hosting service. The diesel backup generators, numerous Internet lines and the knowledgeable 24/7 support are several of the reasons why we have picked these facilities, giving you in turn the opportunity to pick your preferred location. The service we offer is identical in all 5 data centers, including the NVMe-powered physical hosting servers in which your virtual one will be generated, so you could get the most from your Virtual Private Server regardless of the data center location you select during the signup process. Thus, both you and your site visitors can enjoy fantastic loading speeds and remarkable performance of your Internet sites.

Data centers in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated servers that we provide to our prospective and present clients are housed inside one of the major data centers in North America - the Colohouse facility, that is situated in Chicago, IL. The terrific location in the heart of the continent is the main reason for numerous companies to choose the data center for their machines as direct fiber routes to a number of of the larger cities through numerous Tier-3 Internet service providers guarantee fantastic access speeds. This redundancy and powerful diesel generators that can keep the whole facility working for days guarantee that your dedicated machine shall be operational and accessible inspite of any infrastructural issues or natural disasters. We also have spare parts there and an experienced tech support staff that is available 24/7 to resolve any hardware issue that could surface. Through a dedicated server within our Chicago data center, you will enjoy a quick and reliable hosting service and you will be able to reach millions of Internet users effortlessly.