Whenever you upload a file on a web hosting server, it requires a certain amount of storage space on the hard disk dependent on its particular size. In case you manage a script-driven website which stores its info in a database, it will take more space, the more people work with it. For example, in case you have a message board, the greater amount of responses people leave, the larger the database shall get. E-mails, particularly ones using attachments, also take some disk space in the web hosting account. The hard disk space quota you get with your shared hosting supplier is the overall amount of information you could have at any moment, and this consists of site files, messages and databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard drive and the software programs installed on it in addition to all documents and music files that you make or download require some storage space, which can't exceed the overall capacity of your hard disk.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

We have developed our shared hosting with the concept that the hdd space should not be a problem for your websites. While many website hosting companies make accounts using a single server, and as a matter of fact, the most widespread Control Panels are designed to function solely on this type of platform, we have applied a completely different solution. We have groups of servers that control each part of the website hosting service, so your files are stored on one cluster, your email on another,your databases using a third one, and so on. Through this cloud platform we accomplish a couple of things - the hard drive space is virtually limitless due to the fact that we can link as many servers and hard disk drives to the clusters as required, and we increase the effectiveness of each and every machine as just one type of system processes will run on it. This custom setup will allow you to develop your sites as you see fit without having to worry about running out of disk space.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a characteristic just to emphasize that it's truly limitless. We are able to reach that by using a progressive, tailor-made cloud hosting system, where your files, emails and databases will be located on individual clusters of servers. We are able to add additional HDDs or entire servers to all of the clusters and at any time, and what's more our website hosting Control Panel was designed to function with this type of system. In contrast, the majority of Control Panels on the web hosting market can function only on a single server, and irrespective of what various suppliers promote, they really set up many different accounts on a single machine. With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you'll never need to concern yourself with hard disk storage restrictions and you are able to concentrate on expanding your sites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

The hard disk storage that we provide with our VPS servers varies based on the package that you pick when you register. By using a more powerful server, you will be able to effortlessly manage a variety of web sites, that means more content, therefore the greater the VPS plan, the more hard drive space you will have available. Shifting from one plan to another one takes just a few clicks and it does not involve any kind of service disruption. Your web site files, databases and emails will share the total amount of space the server contains, but if you'd rather to get preset quotas, you're able to pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Each of the instruments will enable you to set up hosting accounts with restricted hdd space and if necessary, even to allot space from one account to a different one. When using the third alternative that you will find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

The minimum amount of HDD storage that you can get with our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You will have a pair of hard disk drives, 250 GB each, and it is up to you the way you will utilize this space. You can have the hard disks in RAID, so your information is always safe as one drive will function as a real-time mirror of the second one, or perhaps you are able to have them work independently, in order to use the total storing capacity that'll be available to you. The disk space of all our Linux dedicated servers is enough for everything - huge web shops, data depository portal, private archive copy, and many other things. We'll never keep back your sites with regard to the HDD storage they need. When that they start expanding, we offer you the chance to add further disks to your present server as required. If you get the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you'll also be able to create an individual account for each and every hosted domain and set some disk storage space allowance for it. With Hepsia all the domains will be hosted in a single and they will share the whole server space.