If you ever face a problem with your website and are unable to take care of it yourself, ask the respective web hosting provider’s client care staff to assist you to get the website back online. A speedy solution would be the best-case scenario, but many companies respond within twenty four hours and even more, all the more so if you are working with a hosting reseller. Even if your problem can be sorted out without much difficulty, your site may not function correctly or may not be accessible whatsoever for a lengthy span of time, so you may lose prospective clients as it is quite unlikely that anyone will be eager to go back to an inoperative website. That said, you have to make sure not only that you can get in touch with your web hosting provider, but also that they can reply and help you in a well-timed manner. If a software app update does not proceed as planned or if you delete something by accident, for example, the site should be restored speedily so as to prevent lengthened inaccessibility.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting

With a shared hosting from us, you can just forget about waiting for hours on end, or even one whole day, to obtain a response to a tech support ticket or an e-mail. Regardless of when you get in touch with us, we will assist you within no more than one hour with any pre-sales and technical queries that you may have. The fact is, our real reaction time almost never surpasses 20 to 30 minutes. Since we’re at your disposal 365 days a year, you will always receive help in a well-timed manner and we realize just how critical this is in the Internet era. Shortly after you contact us, we will answer your questions. In case you experience any technical predicament, we will cope with it instead of you, or we will supply you with all the necessary information in case there’s something that you need to do on your end.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

As we understand precisely how vital it is to receive prompt support, we guarantee that you will never need to wait around for more than sixty minutes to obtain a reply to any ticket that you post through your semi-dedicated server CP. As it is, you will seldom need to wait around for more than twenty to thirty minutes and this applies to any query regardless of what its nature is – technical, billing or general. Furthermore, our customer and tech support team is working day and night, which suggests that even in case you submit a ticket during public holidays, you’ll always receive an immediate response, which will include the answer to a query, the solution to a predicament or the information needed to resolve an issue yourself – if there’s something that you have to do on your end. If you use our services, you will never need to waste a day hanging around waiting for a response like you would with many other web hosting companies.