Varnish is a data caching platform, which is occasionally referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. It’s a website accelerator that can boost the speed of a website by up to 1000 percent, depending on its content. Whenever a visitor accesses any page on a site that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server if the visitor accesses it again. In this way, the web browser request from the visitor is not processed by the web server and the page will load tremendously faster, as the Varnish platform can serve data many times faster than any web server software. The end result will be a considerably faster loading site, which leads to a greatly improved website browsing experience. When any of the cached webpages is updated on the live Internet site, the information that Varnish caches in its system memory is updated as well, so the visitors will never end up seeing old information.

Varnish in Shared Hosting

You can use Varnish’s full potential and optimize the loading speed of your websites irrespective of the shared hosting package that you have picked and you can enable and configure the content caching platform with several clicks of the mouse through the simple-to-use GUI offered by our leading-edge Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you’ll be able to choose two separate things – how many Internet sites will use Varnish, in other words – the number of instances, and how much information will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory. The latter comes in increments of 32 megabytes and is not bound to the number of instances, so you can add more instances and less memory and vice versa. In case you have plenty of content on a particular website and you gain plenty of site visitors, more system memory will guarantee you better results. You may also consider employing a dedicated IP for the websites that will use the Varnish platform. The Hepsia Control Panel will offer you simple 1-click controls for shutting down or rebooting any instance, for clearing the cache associated with any website and for seeing detailed logs.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated servers offered by us will permit you to employ Varnish as soon as your brand new semi-dedicated account has been created, as the content caching platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be allocated to Varnish the second your account is activated, so you can use this load balancing software once your website has been taken online. In case you’re in need of more system memory, you can add 32 MB at a time from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel and it will be assigned to your semi-dedicated server right away. You can also increase the number of the websites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not directly tied to the amount of memory that you use, which means that you’ll enjoy more flexibility. The caching platform will enormously reduce the load that your websites produce, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-opening pages. You’ll be able to manage the Varnish platform effortlessly from your Control Panel using quick-access controls. You’ll be able to start/delete any of the instances that you have, to delete the cached content associated with any of your websites or to check system logs.

Varnish in VPS Servers

We provide Varnish with all Hepsia-managed Linux VPS plans, so in case you acquire a VPS with this web hosting Control Panel, you will be able to use the data caching platform at no extra charge. The Varnish platform can use different amounts of system memory for caching purposes depending on the very sever setup that you have picked on the order form, but at any rate, this amount will not be less than several hundred megabytes. This is quite enough to optimize the work of several different traffic-heavy sites, so the faster page loading speeds and the reduced load will be perceptible. The result may not be detectable momentarily, since Varnish will need a certain amount of time to cache the website content that people access, but soon after you activate it, you’ll feel its full potential. This caching platform will permit you to use a less powerful VPS server and to give less money to get the exact same performance you’d get with a higher-end virtual machine without Varnish.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

All Linux dedicated servers which are ordered with the in-house developed Hepsia website hosting Control Panel include Varnish, which is one of the pre-installed software platforms that you’ll get with the dedicated machine. The Varnish content caching platform can be configured and administered with no effort through Hepsia’s simple-to-navigate interface and, with no more than one click, you can check an elaborate system log, add or reboot an instance, delete the cached files associated with any website and much more. Soon after you enable Varnish for a given domain or subdomain, it will begin caching the webpages requested by your visitors and as soon as it has cached enough web content, you will perceive a considerably faster site performance and a decreased load on your dedicated machine. With Varnish-dedicated virtual memory starting at three gigabytes, you’ll be able to use the software platform for load distribution purposes even if you host plenty of websites on your machine.